Gus Hansen Set To Box Theo Jorgensen

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gushansentvComing up on February 21st Gus Hansen will be stepping away from the felt with fellow poker professional Theo Jorgensen and stepping into the boxing ring to let out a bunch of much needed aggression towards each other. The boxing match between the two of these poker professionals does have some betting wagers because what else would you expect from two people that make a living off making bets. The terms of the bet are simple, if Gus wins the boxing match he will receive $25,000 but if he loses he will be shipping $35,000 to Theo Jorgensen. When asked about the boxing match Gus Hansen said “beating up Theo in boxing will be much more enjoyable than winning over him in poker. The sweet taste of victory cannot even be made up in terms of money”.

Another event that should be making Gus Hansen even happier is he is launching a website called and actually the boxing match will be airing for free on the website. This is a project that Gus has been working on for a while now and finally is coming to life. The website is going to give viewers the chance to follow Gus while he travels the world to play in some of the high stakes cash games and the top tournaments. Also there will be strategies and hand analysis available on the website as well. When asked about the website Gus responded by saying “having my own free TV channel is a fantastic opportunity for me to connect with my fans and supporters,” said Hansen. “Today’s technology means everyone can sit down with me and watch as I play live at tournaments or even just in my hotel room with friends. And because it is online, Gus TV can reach the whole world, for fans as far away as Osaka and Oklahoma.”

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